my shadow.

“Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.” - Carl Jung

Meeting our shadow. Just typing that now I had to pause and take a deep breath. Breathe.

This work isn't easy, you know, to dig deep into our past, to re-live memories of pain and deep-rooted trauma. To open the forefront of our minds to that inner-voice, the one that perhaps speaks — "you're not good enough, you're not smart enough, you're definitely not attractive enough, you will never be able to do that, success isn't in your genes!" and so on it goes.

In my experience, shadow work has been the toughest commitment I have ever made to myself. It has been oceans of tears, wounds torn wide open, triggers sparking memories I was meeting again for the first time, those I must have very intentionally filed so deeply in the cabinet of my subconscious, hoping they were never to be met again.

And therein lies the beauty and magic of this work.

Because meeting these memories, then met me with my ultimate liberation. Breaking free of chains, breaking free of cycles, healing wounds that were not only felt in my lifetime, but of my mother's, my mother's mother, and ancestors before them.

Some Native Americans believe that our actions affect the seven generations in both directions. Let that sink in.

So grateful I am to be on this journey of continually meeting with shadow aspects, and falling so deeply in love with them that they integrate as just me. To just be, exactly as me.

This is the essence of my work, this is what The Session is. So if it is pulling chords or strings or anything or sort, I see you, I love you, and I welcome you with an open heart on this journey and beyond, in supporting your liberation too, and perhaps the next seven generations in effect, by you.

Rich stapletone, cereal magzine

Rich stapletone, cereal magzine


a testament to you


co-dependency, free at last.