an ode to my morning practice
body wakes, reach for my book
a few pages on goddesses in spanish.
open the blinds, morning sun
walk out to catch the golden light
in the mirrors reflection
beaming onto my body,
“wow, diosa”
beauty & divinity in reflection
power — I breathe
feeling soft & divine
light a stick of incense
my soft playlist sounds on spotify
find myself on the mat
begin waving my body like the ocean
speaking affirmations
gifted to me by a sister
in a sound healing yesterday
moving slower
tears drop from my right eyes,
masculine side
trust building
my body circulates, unjulates, she’s the ocean
so sensual her waves,
pause; surrender to the earth & feel her support
& that of the guides i called on a few minutes earlier
“thank you”
hold my heart,
share my energy of love to the world
after i did myself;
open my eyes, take in a room full of
film cameras,
tarot cards,
warhol, emerson, playboy
a guitar singing back at me
i’m home,
i’m home.