finding peace within the chaos of the storm
One of the only places you’ll see cows and buffalo together is in Colorado, and the most remarkable thing happens when a storm approaches. Cows intuit storms coming from the east, and begin to run away. They are slow, so the storm quickly catches them. They continue to run with it, rather than allowing it to pass over them, lengthening their time within it.
Buffalo approach storms differently. They wait for it to begin rolling over the hills, and with innate courage, run towards it. By choosing to face it, they shorten their time within it.
During a recent energy reading by my soul sister Anna (who has just completed her 1:1 Mentorship with me), I pulled the buffalo card as the theme of my 2023. Just a day later, during a serendipitous online meeting with angel @britleyann, she explained this story about the resilience of the buffalo. I had never even contemplated this animal before, and suddenly divine guidance brings me this resilient + wise energy, twice in twenty—four hours.
For the start of 2023, I’ve been going through a dark night of the soul, big time baby. I’ve had tears pour out of me I haven’t felt before. My physical body has been aching to shake me awake to the next level of my healing journey, always in time for the opening of my program spaces, The Alchemy & The Journey Home. The best teacher is the student.
In this time I’ve softened into reality. I am not chasing some great, final ending of my healing. I know this will never be. I choose this beautiful path, seeking even deeper beauty through pain & pleasure, light & dark. I choose to run towards the storm, with heartfelt confidence that what awaits me on the other side is an energy, a love words can’t describe.
It’s not easy to choose the way of the buffalo. I can be on my high horse when life is good. Then the storm hits, and I find myself praying like never before for divine love + support. I wonder if I can get through — & then I do.
I wake up, it’s a new day, things feel lighter, clarity washes over me, new layers of light + love emanate through me, old layers of fear + doubt leave me. I return home. It’s a superpower to find peace within the chaos of the storm. To allow yourself to feel all that comes with it, without resistance or fear.
You can, and you will.